Theodolite Compass Traverse Surveying & Omitted Measurement for GATE

Civil Engineer Academy

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Theodolite Compass Traverse Surveying & Omitted Measurement for GATE

Important Questions in Theodolite Compass Traverse Surveying & Omitted Measurement for GATE

Theodolite, Compass Traverse Surveying, and Omitted Measurements form the cornerstone of success in the GATE examination. This blog post is a comprehensive resource for important question, illuminating the intricacies of these surveying techniques. Here, we've carefully curated a collection of important questions aimed at honing your expertise and readiness for the GATE test.

one mark questions

Q 1) The reduced bearing of a 10 m long line is N 30°E. The departure of the line is

(a) 10.00 m
(b) 8.66 m
(c) 7.52 m
(d) 5.00 m

[GATE-2016 SET-I]

Q 2) In a closed loop traverse of 1 km total length, the closing errors in departure and latitude are 0.3 m and 0.4 m respectively. The relative precision of this traverse will be

(a) 1:5000
(b) 1:4000
(c) 1:3000
(d) 1:2000

[GATE-2015 SET-I]

Q 3) The latitude and departure of a line AB are +78 m and -45.1 m, respectively. The whole circle bearing of the line AB is:

(a) 30°
(b) 150°
(c) 210°
(d) 330°


Q 4) The observations from a closed-loop traverse around an obstacle are

from station
Length (m)Azimuth (clockwise
from magnetic north)
What is the value of the missing measurement (rounded off to the nearest 10 mm)

(a) 396.86 m
(C) 396.05 m
(b) 396.79 m
(d) 396.94 m


Q 5) The local mean time at a place located in longitude 90° 40'E when the standard time is 6 h 30 min and the standard meridian is 82°30'E is

(a) 5 hr 02 min 40 s
(c) 6 hr 30 min
(b) 5 hr 57 min 20 s
(d) 7 hr 02 min 40 s


Q 6) In quadrantal bearing system, bearing of a line varies from

(a) 0° to 360°
(c) 0° to 90°
(b) 0° to 180°
(d) 0°N to 90°S


Q 7) A line measured on a uniform slope with a 30 m tape pulled with a force of 5 kg. The length of the line was found to be 525.80m. The temperature at the time of measurement was 30°C and the tape is correct at 24°C when there is no pull. Determine the horizontal distance between the end points of the line. The difference of levels of the two ends of the line is 9.14m. The coefficient of thermal expansion of the material of the tape is 0.00001 per °C. Cross-sectional area of the tape is 2 mm2 and its modulus of elasticity is 21 × 105 kg/cm2.


Q 8) Adjust the following angles closing the horizon:

P = 110° 20' 48" weight 4
Q = 92° 30 ' 12" weight 1
R = 56° 12' 00" weight 2
S = 100° 57' 04" weight 3


Q 9) Two points P and Q located on a map have the following co-ordinates

Latitude 40m + 20m
Departure 20m + 30m
The length of PQ is ……

(a) 53.85m
(6) 34.89
(c) 34.98
(d) 12.89


Q 10) The quadrantal bearings of the lines AB and CA are S 30°E and S 70°E. The included angle CAB is


Q 11) True meridians at different places converge

(a) From South pole to North pole
(b) From equator to North and South poles
(c) From North pole to South pole
(d) None of above


Two Marks Questions

Q 12) The following details refer to a closed traverse:

Line Consecutive coordinate


The length and direction (whole circle bearing) of closure, respectively are

(a) 1 m and 90°
(b) 2 m and 90°
(c) 1 m and 270°
(d) 2 m and 270°

[GATE-2018, SHIFT-I]

Q 13) The observed bearings of a traverse are given below.

PQ46° 15'QP226° 15'
QR108° 15'RQ286° 15'
RS201° 15'SR20° 30'
ST321° 45'TS141° 45'

The station(s) most likely to be affected by the local attraction is/are

(a) Only R
(b) Only S
(c) R and S
(d) P and Q

[GATE-2017 SET-I]

Q 14) The bearing of two inaccessible stations S1 (Easting 500 m, Northing 500 m) and S2 (Easting 600, Northing 450 m) from a station S3 were observed as 225° and 153°26 respectively. The independent Easting (in m) of station S3 is___________.

(a) 450
(b) 570.71
(c) 550
(d) 650

[GATE-2015 SET-II]

Q 15) In a region with magnetic declination of 2°E, the magnetic Fore Bearing (FB) of a line AB was measured as N79°50'E. There was local attraction at A. To determine the correct magnetic bearing of the line, a point O was selected at which there was no local attraction. The magnetic FB of line AO and OA were observed to be S52°40'E and N50°20'W, respectively. What is the true FB of line AB ?

(a) N81°50'E
(b) N82°10'E
(C) N84°10'E
(d) N77°50'E

[GATE-2015 SET-I]

Q 16) Following bearings are observed while traversing with a compass.

LineFore BearingBack Bearing
AB126 45'308 0'
BC49 15'227 30'
CD340 30'161 45'
DE258 30'78 30'
EA212 30'31 45'
After applying the correction due to local attraction, the corrected fore bearing of BC will be:

(a) 48°15'
(c) 49°45'
(b) 50°15'
(d) 48°45'


Q 17) The magnetic bearing of a line AB was N 59°30' W in the year 1967, when the declination was 4°10'E. If the present declination is 3° W, the whole circle bearing of the line is

(a) 299° 20'
(b) 307° 40'
(c) 293° 20'
(d) 301° 40'


Q 18) The lengths and bearings of a closed traverse PQRSP are given below.

LineLength (m)Bearing (WCB)

The missing length and bearing, respectively of the line SP are

(a) 207 m and 270°
(b) 707 m and 270°
(c) 707 m and 180°
(d) 907 m and 270°


Q 19) The magnetic bearing of a line AB is S 45° E and the declination is 5° West. The true bearing of the line AB is

(a) S 45° E
(b) S 40° E
(c) S 50° E
(d) S 50° W


Q 20) The following table gives data of consecutive coordinates in respect of a closed theodolite traverse PQRSP.

StationNorthing (m)Southing (m)Easting (m)Westing (m)

The magnitude and direction of error of closure in whole circle bearing are

(a) 2.0 m and 45°
(b) 2.0 m and 315°
(c) 2.82 m and 315°
(d) 3.42 m and 45°


Q 21) In the figure given below, the lengths PQ (WCB : 30°) and QR (WCB: 45°) respectively up to three places of decimal are


(a) 273.205,938.186
(c) 551.815, 551.815
(b) 273.205, 551.815
(d) 551.815, 938.186


Q 22) The observed magnetic bearing of a line OE was found to be 185°. It was later discovered that station O had a local attraction of +1.5°. The true bearing of the line OE, considering a magnetic declination of 3.5°E shall be

(a) 180°
(b) 187°
(c) 190°
(d) 193°


To understand all the fundamental regarding Surveying do visit the following Category.

To understand all about the fundamental concept of surveying do visit the following Article.

To understand all about the Scale, Types Of Scale And Accuracy & Errors In Surveying do visit the following link.

To understand all about the Chain Surveying: The Fundamental For Linear Measurement do visit the following link.

To understand all about the Correction In Chaining/Taping And Ranging In Surveying do visit the following link.

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