Important Question in Irrigation and Method of Irrigation For Ssc JE

Civil Engineer Academy

Important Question in Irrigation and Method of Irrigation For Ssc JE

Important Question in Irrigation and Method of Irrigation For Ssc JE

Important Question in Irrigation and Method of Irrigation For SSC JE. Welcome to our comprehensive guide on irrigation, a crucial topic for aspiring SSC Junior Engineers. As you embark on your journey to crack the SSC JE exam, a solid understanding of irrigation and its methods becomes paramount. In this blog post, we will delve into the pivotal questions that frequently appear in the SSC JE examination related to irrigation. Additionally, we will explore various irrigation methods, shedding light on the techniques and principles that form the backbone of this essential aspect of civil engineering. So, gear up to enhance your knowledge, tackle potential questions with confidence, and pave your way to success in the SSC JE examination!

1 . What is the primary purpose of irrigation in agriculture?

  • Solution: Irrigation is primarily used to supplement rainfall by providing water to crops to ensure proper growth and yield.

2. Name two types of surface irrigation methods.

  • Solution: Examples of surface irrigation methods include furrow irrigation and basin irrigation.

3. Define the term "Percolation Tank" in the context of irrigation.

  • Solution: A percolation tank is a structure designed to collect and store rainwater and allow it to percolate into the ground to recharge the groundwater table.

4. What is the significance of a weir in irrigation engineering?

  • Solution: A weir is used to control the flow of water in canals and rivers, ensuring a regulated and controlled supply for irrigation purposes.

5. Explain the term "Drip Irrigation" and its advantages.

  • Solution: Drip irrigation is a method where water is delivered directly to the base of each plant. Advantages include water conservation, reduced soil erosion, and efficient nutrient delivery.

6. Discuss the concept of 'Duty' in irrigation.

  • Solution: Duty in irrigation refers to the area of land that can be irrigated by a unit of water, usually expressed in hectares per cubic meter.

7. Enumerate the factors influencing the selection of an irrigation method.

  • Solution: Factors include soil type, crop type, water availability, and topography.

8. Differentiate between border and basin irrigation methods.

  • Solution: In border irrigation, water is applied in strips, while in basin irrigation, the entire field is flooded to create a basin around each plant.

9. What is the purpose of a head regulator in canal irrigation?

  • Solution: A head regulator is used to control the flow of water into the canal system and maintain a desired water level.

10. Discuss the role of groundwater in irrigation and mention a potential challenge associated with excessive groundwater extraction.

  • Solution: Groundwater is often used for irrigation, but over-extraction can lead to a decline in the water table, causing land subsidence.

11. What is the significance of crop water requirement in irrigation planning?

  • Solution: Crop water requirement helps determine the amount of water needed for optimal crop growth, aiding in efficient irrigation planning.

12. Explain the term "Consumptive Use" in the context of irrigation.

  • Solution: Consumptive use refers to the portion of water that is absorbed by plants or evaporated from the soil during irrigation.

13. Name three types of lift irrigation systems.

14. How does a check dam contribute to irrigation?

  • Solution: A check dam helps in water conservation by slowing down the flow of water, allowing it to percolate into the ground and recharge the aquifers.

15. Discuss the importance of levelling in surface irrigation.

  • Solution: Proper levelling ensures uniform water distribution in the field, preventing waterlogging and ensuring optimal crop growth.

16. Differentiate between sprinkler and drip irrigation systems.

17. Explain the concept of "Waterlogging" and its adverse effects on crops.

  • Solution: Waterlogging occurs when the soil is saturated with water, leading to a lack of oxygen for plant roots and negatively affecting crop growth.

18. Name two types of canal falls and their functions.

  • Solution: Types of canal falls include the ogee fall (for energy dissipation) and the straight glacis fall (for providing a smooth transition).

19. What is the purpose of a turnout in canal irrigation?

  • Solution: A turnout is a structure that allows water to flow from the main canal to a distributary, enabling controlled water distribution.

20. Discuss the advantages of using a gated pipe system in irrigation.

  • Solution: Gated pipe systems offer flexibility in water distribution, allowing farmers to control the flow to individual pipes and sections of the field.

21. Define "Delta" in the context of canal networks.

  • Solution: A delta is a triangular network of canals formed at the junction of a river and its distributaries, facilitating the distribution of water to various areas.

22. Explain the term "Infiltration" and its importance in irrigation.

  • Solution: Infiltration is the process by which water penetrates the soil. Understanding infiltration rates is crucial for efficient irrigation planning.

23. What is the role of a watercourse in canal irrigation?

  • Solution: A watercourse is a channel that conveys water from a distributary to the agricultural fields, ensuring controlled and even distribution.

24. Discuss the impact of salinity on soil fertility in irrigated areas.

  • Solution: High salinity can lead to soil degradation, adversely affecting crop growth and yield in irrigated regions.

25. Name two methods of measuring irrigation water.

  • Solution: Methods include volumetric measurement using flow meters and time-volume measurement using weirs or flumes.

26. How does canal lining contribute to water conservation in irrigation?

  • Solution: Canal lining prevents seepage and water loss, ensuring that a higher percentage of water reaches the intended fields.

27. What is the purpose of a surge tank in pump irrigation systems?

  • Solution: A surge tank helps in reducing pressure fluctuations in pump irrigation systems, ensuring a steady flow of water.

28. Discuss the concept of "Furrow Irrigation" and its suitability for different crops.

  • Solution: Furrow irrigation involves creating small channels between crop rows. It is suitable for row crops like maize and cotton.

29. Explain the term "Runoff" in the context of irrigation.

  • Solution: Runoff is the excess water that flows over the soil surface and is not absorbed. Proper management is essential to prevent soil erosion.

30. What is the purpose of a canal escape?

  • Solution: A canal escape is designed to discharge excess water from the canal, preventing damage to the canal structure and surrounding areas.

31. Name two methods of land leveling in preparation for surface irrigation.

  • Solution: Methods include the use of scrapers and bulldozers for land leveling.

32. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of basin irrigation.

  • Solution: Advantages include water conservation, but disadvantages may include uneven water distribution and higher labor requirements.

33. How does the slope of the land influence the selection of irrigation methods?

  • Solution: The slope affects the choice of irrigation method, with contour farming being suitable for hilly terrain to prevent soil erosion.

34. What is the purpose of a canal siphon in irrigation?

  • Solution: A canal siphon is used to convey water across obstacles such as rivers or drainage channels.

35. Define "Water Harvesting" and its significance in arid regions.

  • Solution: Water harvesting involves collecting and storing rainwater for agricultural use. It is crucial in arid regions with limited water resources.

36. Discuss the concept of "Fallow Land" in the context of irrigation planning.

  • Solution: Fallow land refers to fields left uncultivated to allow the soil to rest and regain fertility, often part of crop rotation in irrigation planning.

37. What is the function of a weir in canal irrigation?

  • Solution: A weir regulates the flow of water in a canal, controlling the water level for efficient distribution.

38. Name two types of sprinkler irrigation systems and their applications.

  • Solution: Types include stationary and traveling sprinkler systems, suitable for both small and large-scale irrigation.

39. Explain the concept of "Interception" in the water cycle.

  • Solution: Interception refers to the process where precipitation is caught and retained by vegetation before reaching the ground.

40. Discuss the challenges associated with drip irrigation and possible solutions.

  • Solution: Challenges may include clogging of drip emitters, which can be mitigated by using filters and regular maintenance.

41. What is the purpose of a weir in canal irrigation?

  • Solution: A weir regulates the flow of water in a canal, controlling the water level for efficient distribution.

42. Name two types of sprinkler irrigation systems and their applications.

  • Solution: Types include stationary and traveling sprinkler systems, suitable for both small and large-scale irrigation.

43. Explain the concept of "Interception" in the water cycle.

  • Solution: Interception refers to the process where precipitation is caught and retained by vegetation before reaching the ground.

44. Discuss the challenges associated with drip irrigation and possible solutions.

  • Solution: Challenges may include clogging of drip emitters, which can be mitigated by using filters and regular maintenance.

45. How does land grading contribute to efficient surface irrigation?

  • Solution: Land grading ensures a uniform slope, facilitating even water distribution and preventing waterlogging in surface irrigation.

46. Discuss the impact of climate change on irrigation practices.

  • Solution: Climate change can affect precipitation patterns and water availability, necessitating adaptive measures in irrigation planning.

47. Name two methods of canal lining and their advantages.

  • Solution: Methods include concrete lining and plastic lining, providing durability and reduced seepage.

48. What is the significance of a water budget in irrigation planning?

  • Solution: A water budget helps in estimating water availability, ensuring efficient use and preventing water scarcity in irrigation.

49. Discuss the role of a canal cross regulator in canal irrigation.

  • Solution: A canal cross regulator controls the distribution of water between different branches of a canal, ensuring equitable supply.

50. Define "Irrigation Intensity" and its importance in crop management.

  • Solution: Irrigation intensity refers to the amount of water applied per unit area. It is crucial for determining crop water requirements.

51. Name two types of canal gates and their functions.

  • Solution: Types include radial gates (for flow control) and sluice gates (for regulating water flow).

52. How does subsurface drainage contribute to efficient irrigation?

  • Solution: Subsurface drainage removes excess water from the root zone, preventing waterlogging and enhancing soil aeration.

53. Discuss the concept of "Salinity Control" in irrigation.

  • Solution: Salinity control involves measures to manage soil salinity levels, such as leaching and proper irrigation scheduling.

54. What is the purpose of a flume in canal irrigation?

  • Solution: A flume is used to measure the flow rate of water in a canal, aiding in accurate water distribution.

55. Name two methods of canal alignment and their considerations.

  • Solution: Methods include straight alignment (for flat terrain) and meandering alignment (for hilly terrain).

56. How does groundwater quality impact irrigation efficiency?

  • Solution: Poor groundwater quality, with high levels of salts or contaminants, can negatively affect soil and crop health in irrigation.

57. Discuss the advantages of using a gated pipe system in irrigation.

  • Solution: Gated pipe systems offer flexibility in water distribution, allowing farmers to control the flow to individual pipes and sections of the field.

58. What is the purpose of a watercourse in canal irrigation?

  • Solution: A watercourse is a channel that conveys water from a distributary to the agricultural fields, ensuring controlled and even distribution.

59. Explain the term "Water Table" and its relevance in irrigation.

  • Solution: The water table is the level at which the ground is saturated with water. It influences the availability of groundwater for irrigation.

60. Discuss the impact of canal seepage on water conservation in irrigation.

  • Solution: Canal seepage results in water loss, and proper lining or maintenance is essential to conserve water and enhance irrigation efficiency.

These questions cover a broad range of topics related to irrigation and methods of irrigation in civil engineering, providing a comprehensive review for SSC JE exam preparation.

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