Bearing and Types of Bearing in Compass Surveying and Questions

Civil Engineer Academy

Bearing and types of bearing in Compass Surveying and Questions

Bearing and types of bearing in Compass Surveying and Questions

Bearing and types of bearing in Compass Surveying and Questions Embark on a compass-guided exploration as we unravel the intricate world of bearings in Compass Surveying. In this comprehensive guide, we not only delve into the fundamentals of bearings but also navigate through different types, accompanied by challenging questions designed to sharpen your surveying skills.


what is bearing?

Bearing: The horizontal angle made by the traverse line with reference line/meridian is termed as a bearing.

Depending upon the reference line selected, these bearings are of following types:

  1. True Bearing
  2. Magnetic Bearing
  3. Grid Bearing
  4. Arbitrary Bearing

Representation/Designation of bearing:

Bearing of traverse line can be designated by following two systems

a) Whole Circle Bearing System (WCB)
b) Quadrantal Bearing System (QB)

a) Whole Circle Bearing System (WCB):

  • In this system bearing of a line is the horizontal angle between the line and the north end of the reference meridian.
  • It is measured in clockwise direction.
  • The WCB of a line varies from 0 - 360°.
  • It is also termed as AZIMUTH if the reference is true north.
  • It is measured with the help of "PRISMATIC COMPASS"
WCB system
WCB system

b) Quadrantal Bearing System (QB):

  • Quadrant bearing (Q.B.) a line is the acute angle, which the line makes with the reference meridian.
  • It can be measured from north or south point, whichever is closer.
  • It is measured in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions.
  • It varies in range the of 0 - 90°.
  • It is measured with the help of "Surveyor's compass".

QB is reported as follows:

i) Firstly, the letter N or S representing north or south point is mentioned.
ii) Mention the angle of the bearing.
iii) Lastly, E or W representing east or west point is reported.

Q.B System
Q.B System
OAN α EQB00 - 900
OBS β E1800 - QB900 - 1800
OCS θ WQB + 18001800 - 2700
ODN Φ W3600 - QB2700 - 3600
Table - Conversion of Q.B into W.C.B

LineWCB RangeQBQuadrant
OP00 - 900WCBNE
OQ900 - 18001800 - WCBSE
OR1800 - 2700WCB + 1800SW
OS2700 - 36003600 - WCBNW
Table - Conversion of W.C.B into Q.B


When a line points towards north, south, east and west it is reported as due north, due south, due east and due west, respectively.

SO° : Due South
NO° : Due North
N90°W or S 90°W : Due West
N90°E or S 90°E : Due East

Fore Bearing (FB) and Back Bearing (BB):

  • Fore Bearing: The bearing of a line in the direction of the progress of the survey is called fore bearing (FB).
  • Back Bearing: The bearing of a line in the direction opposite to the progress of survey is called back bearing (BB).
Table - Fore Bearing (FB) and Back Bearing (BB)

Fore Bearing (FB) and Back Bearing (BB)
Fore Bearing (FB) and Back Bearing (BB)

FB and BB of a line differ by an angle of 180°.
i) If FB < 180°, BB = FB + 180°

IF FB > 180°, BB = FB - 180°
Hence if bearing of the line is reported in WCB system then BB = FB ‡ 180°.

ii) If the bearing of a line reported in QB system, then
Back bearing angle = Fore bearing angle
But N → S and E → W and vice versa.

important questions

Q 1) Fore bearing of different lines are given, compute the corresponding back bearing of the lines.

a) 26° 45'
b) 340°
c) S40° 40'W
d) N37°W

Sol: a)

Q1 (a)
Q1 (a)

FB = 26045' (FB < 180)

BB = 26045' + 1800 = 206045'


Q1 (b)
Q1 (b)

FB = 3400 (FB > 180)

BB = 3400 - 1800 = 1600


Q1 (c)
Q1 (c)

FB = S40040' W

BB = N4004OE


Q1 (d)
Q1 (d)

FB = N370W

BB = S370E

Q 2) Convert the following quadrantal bearing to whole circle bearing.

i) S30°36'E
ii) N6°40'W

Sol: i)

Q2 (a)
Q2 (a)

QB = S30°36'E
It lies in second quadrant.
So, WCB = 180° - 30°36'
WCB = 149°24'


Q2 (b)
Q2 (b)

QB = N6°40'W
It lies in a IV quadrant
So, WCB = 360° - 6°40'
WCB = 353°20'

included angles:

  • When two lines meet at a point, the angle enclosed between them is termed as an included angle.
  • Included angle may either be an interior or exterior angle.
  • In surveying, included angle is defined as the angle measured in clockwise direction from the preceding line to the forward line.

Case I: If the traverse runs in a clockwise direction, included angles are exterior angles.

Traverse Running in Clockwise Direction
Traverse Running in Clockwise Direction

Case II: If the traverse runs in an anticlockwise direction, included angles are interior angles.

Traverse Running in Anti Clockwise Direction
Traverse Running in Anti Clockwise Direction

Calculation of included angles from bearing:

Case I: When QB of lines are given:

a) When bearings are measured on the same side of the common meridian.

When Bearing are Measured on Same Side of the Common Meridian
When Bearing are Measured on Same Side of the Common Meridian

θ = β - α,

θ is the included angle.

b) When bearings are measured on the opposite side of the common meridian.

When Bearing are Measured on Opposite Sides of the Common Meridian
When Bearing are Measured on Opposite Sides of the Common Meridian

Interior angle = θ = α + β

c) When bearings are measured on the same side of the different meridian.

When Bearing are Measured on Same Side of the Different Meridian
When Bearing are Measured on Same Side of the Different Meridian

Interior angle = θ = 1800 - (α + β)

d) When bearings are measured on the opposite side of the different meridian.

When Bearing are Measured on Different Side of the Different Meridian
When Bearing are Measured on Different Side of the Different Meridian

θ = 900 - α + 900 + β

θ = 1800 + β - α

Case iI: When wcB of lines are given:

a) The traversing is done in a clockwise direction OPQO, OP is forward line and QO is previous line

When the Traverse is done Clockwise
When the Traverse is done Clockwise

Included angle = FB of forward line - BB of previous line
θ = α - β
Note: If α - β is (-) ve, add 360° to get the included angles, which will be an exterior included angle.

b) The traversing is done in anticlockwise direction OQPO, 0Q is forward line and PO is previous line.

When the Traverse is done Anti Clockwise
When the Traverse is done Anti Clockwise

Included angle = FB of forward line - BB of previous line
θ = β - α (interior included angle)

Calculation of bearing from included angle:

By knowing the included angle of traverse and bearing of a line, the bearings of other lines can also be computed.

Calculation of Bearing from Included Angle
Calculation of Bearing from Included Angle

Fore Bearing of next line = Fore Bearing of Previous line + Included Angle

a) If this sum is more than 180°, subtract 180°.
b) If this sum is less than 180°, add 180°.
c) If this sum is more than 540°, subtract 540°

previous year's question in compass surveying:

Q 1) Traversing is carried out for a closed traverse PQRS. The internal angles at vertices P, Q, R & S are measured 92°, 68°, 123°, 77° respectively. If fore bearing of line PQ is 27°, then fore bearing of line RS (in degree, in integer) is.____?

(GATE-2021, SET-I)

Q 2) The following bearings were observed for a closed traverse

FB1400 30'800 30'3400 0'2900 30'2300 30'

Q 3) The following angles were observed in clockwise direction in an open traverse. If the magnetic bearing of line AB is 242° and interior angles are given as ∠ABC = 125°15', ∠BCD = 146°30', ∠CDE = 104°, ∠DEF = 100°15', ∠EFG = 210°45'. What would be the bearing other lines?

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